Tim Laughlin - We welcome Tim Laughlin to the Smyth County Jam! What an extraordinary fiddler! He says he plays mandolin at times and sings ONLY in an emergency!! Tim lives in Bristol, Tennessee, when he is not on the road. He makes his living by his musical talent. He plays with the band "Heart Town"; his professional group. When he is not on the road he is with the "Duty Free" band. Last week he was featured on the local show "Song of the Mountains (from Marion's Lincoln Theater). This is quite an honor. Tim said some of his uncles made music and his grandfather as well; though earlier than he can recall. He and two first cousins, who were close the same age, began to play about the age of eight years. He has spent almost forty years playing music. Tim says early on he admired Bill Monroe, Ralph Stanley and Doyle Lawson. He says it is hard to choose a favorite tune or song; just too many choices. The Smyth County Jam hopes Tim will join us again soon and often.